5 Reasons Why Leonard and Penny Are the Best Couple Ever!

The Big Bang Theory came to an end last year after making a long run of 12 years and is still considered as one of the greatest sitcoms of all time, if not the greatest.

Throughout its run, we saw several heartwarming friendships and some beautiful romances unravel among the characters. While all of the romances in the show are unique and have a flavour of their own, the Leonard and Penny relationship however, stands out in particular. Here are five reasons why we think Leonard and Penny are the best couple of all time; or in Penny's words, "Get ready, 'cause there's a crap storm of romance coming your way"

1) Destiny-

They had almost nothing in common, but from the very first moment they met in the pilot of the show, they had a strange connection. It was almost that this relationship was destined to happen, and no fate could change that.

As soon as Leonard laid his eyes upon the girl who had just moved next door, he fell in love with her. Later in the same episode, he also was seen saying, "Our babies will be smart and beautiful" which Sheldon jokingly dismissed adding, "and not to mention, imaginary". This was one relationship that was truly meant to be, unlike the other relationships of the show, none of which seemed likely at first, but happened beautifully nevertheless.

2) Snowflake From North Pole-

This episode made every gift ever given by anyone to his partner seem worthless. Honestly, name a gift that can come even remotely close to a snowflake that's been brought from North Pole itself, we'll wait.

Although Penny was having a tough time understanding how was the snowflake preserved, but that fact she loved the gift was clear when she proceeded to kiss Leonard while he was explaining it. It's also evident that she truly treasured the gift, since it was seen at a much later episode in season 4 even after she broke up with Leonard.

3) Mutual Love-

Though Penny was seen having mixed feelings about their relationship for couple episodes, as the show progressed Penny grew more and more attached to Leonard and later admitted on multiple occasions how much she cared for him. She also treasured the little things that mattered to Leonard and when she got a good paying job, she rented him a car that every man wishes to drive, the Batmobile itself.

Leonard too, was seen buying Penny a car earlier, which turned her really emotional and almost rendered her speechless. Both Leonard and Penny made it clear through their actions that they both loved each other as much they loved themselves.

4) Marriage-

They were only couple in the series to be married not one, but two times.

Having eloped for the first time, Leonard and Penny felt guilty about not inviting their families and friends to their wedding. Soon after, Penny made a promise to Leonard's mother Beverley Hofstadter that they'll arrange their wedding again, on a grand scale this time inviting everyone who helped them on their long journey together, and they did accordingly. In the very next season they picked out a date and organized a grand wedding inviting both of their families, where we're first introduced to Leonard's father, Penny's mother and her brother. In her vow, Penny was seen thanking Leonard for marrying her, which was a significant upgrade from her last wedding vow, which was a song from the Toy Story.

5) They Complete Each Other-

Stuart said it first, and we're repeating it, Leonard and Penny completed each other.

None of them were perfect, both of them had flaws among them, but together, they were one flawless and complete couple.
Leonard was an ingenious scientist and clearly successful in his own field. He had an iq of 173 and was a really smart person overall but he really struggled in social situations, not as much as Sheldon but he still had a tough time holding his nervousness in front of women, especially the cute ones, which he tried to hide by playing with his fingers while maintaining a conversation with them. He was also too much of a 'satisficer' according to Sheldon and cared more about others' feelings forgetting about his own.
Penny was on the complete opposite pole. She was elegant,attractive and had street smarts better than anyone among the gang. However, she was nowhere nearly as smart as any other member of the group, which often led to embarrassing situations for her.
They say opposites attract, and that's exactly what happened in this case. They completed each other's imperfections and made each other a better person, like two pieces of a jigsaw, and that in itself is the most beautiful thing in this relationship.

While there's a looming uncertainty about the season 13 of the show, we can't get enough of the reruns . We really hope that the gang will be back soon with the next season, and we can't wait to get some more of Leonard and Penny. What else would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.

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