What is Fascism?

As far as political ideologies go, none are universally reviled than fascism, the closest being socialism, although fascism was in practice for a short time in select few countries, its repercussions are still felt to this day.  essentially, fascism was born out of the idea that rational egalitarian democracies would ultimately lead to severe crisis and weakness. around the late 17th century, a more rational and emotional structure based on social Darwinism began to take over the idea that people should have equality. Darwin suggested that natural selection of dominant and recessive traits and that a biological being's, biological goal or purpose in their lifespan is to produce maximum genes, of their breed, so fascism took this concept to promote state ideologies based on caste, creed, gender, religion, racial colour, etc to promote themselves. Gabriele D'Annunzio, the eminent philosopher of fascism who worked on building a fascist Italy, Europe and then maybe the world alongside Mussolini, wanted all the weaknesses of the society to be plunged out and only superior races to progress human life. during the 1930s-40s, fascism was in the rise as Italy, then Germany and then Japan were coming to its idea and the picture of a superlative world was happening. Even South American countries also started to run their states with this political philosophy which would change their entire political, economic and social structure, for example, Brazil and Peru.

So fascism works under a strict doctrine, especially in the 20th century where we can see Mussolini and Hitler being the dictators who are using fascism as their tool to govern. First of all, fascism tries to unify countries under a single genetic banner, as we can see in Adolf Hitler's Germany, it was the Aryan race with blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin who would be given the priority of being at the top, through selection, and not election. this decision impacted the lives of millions Jews, Polish and Gipsie people around Europe. This is, therefore, a part of nationalism or nationalistic idea. This nationalistic idea differentiates on the basis of purity of social constructs such as caste, racial colour, religion, etc. Secondly, the fascist state wants the total control of society and people by the state, called totalitarianism, hence the people are expected to have unwavering faith in the one ruling elite party at the centre, which in maximum cases shall be a Dictator, like Hitler and Mussolini. fascism totally objects the idea of pluralism, which is multiple competing for power. Economically, fascism seeks to solve the problems of materialist capitalism and Marxist Socialism. In practice, these countries promoted private enterprises and handsomely rewarding them while abolishing trade and workers unions. however, the state would on promote the private businesses which served the national interest, such as Volkswagen, which was announced as PEOPLE'S CAR but served the interest of the Nazi army during World War 2. The end goal was to become fully self-sufficient by allocating the resources and needs of the state, which indirectly pointed to the military. Fascism is also supportive of violence to achieve, that specifically means removing "weak" people from the fascist state, either by executing or deporting them, althrough strict social laws imposed by a violent police force, in 30's these were Hitlers BrownShirt militia and Musollini's Blackshirt militia.  Finally, fascism promotes youth and revolution, keeping in mind to moralise the society which is and will be under this kind of regime. in Nazi Germany, abortion of non-Aryan foetus was legalised and even sometimes, compulsory and abortion of Aryan foetus was illegal and prohibited. as history has shown that fascism promoted mass murders,eugnecies, censorship, propaganda and severe inequality. Kristallnacht and Auschwitz being the example of these events. 

To know more about fascism buy The Anatomy of Fascism By Robert O. Paxton. Direct Amazon link given below.

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