What “social distancing” is actually doing to our social life?

For the past one or two weeks your news feed must have been filled with nothing but the word “corona”. So, I’ll try my best to keep this article as ‘corona’ free as possible.

My sole objective for the readers is to introspect the last one week of “social distancing” that they went through. The word “social” is described in Oxford dictionary in various ways. One definition being – living naturally in groups rather than alone. Are we actually alone in this time? The whole  world is with us in this, physically distancing ourselves from the “society” to fight the common enemy. And was that even “social distancing”? 

Humans are social animals and it’s difficult for us but is it as difficult as when thousands and thousands of soldiers went for wars with no guarantee of return? I’m pretty sure not. Moreover, most of us are privileged enough to have our whole family with us but are we really utilizing these moments?  Or ranting on Facebook on what should have been done. 

Instead of spending time with people sitting right in front of us, we are busy on “social media” more than ever. Apps like Zoom, Houseparty, Plato are having the maximum number of downloads. People are connecting socially more than ever. And that’s not social distancing if we go by the lexical meaning. The only distance that is widening is the already created gap between our family members. The internet usage is almost doubled along with the average time people spend on social media; these statistics just proves my point. 

This is World War 3 and we are fortunate enough to fight this inside our home, with our family members. So instead of playing Ludo virtually we can arrange for a game night, instead of facetiming friends we can have a storytelling session with our grandparents and parents.All I am saying is have socialize with the people in the room first and see how fulfilling it turns out to be.

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