PUBG-M 2nd Anniversary Update Review

Pubg Mobile released the most awaited update recently. Pubg is trying its best to match the level of their PC based game, as we can see the massive improvement in graphics as well as in gameplay. Many glitches are fixed in this update, but also many new glitches may arise, it is just the matter of time till we get to know it.

One of the most interesting feature that is added is that we can individually increase or decrease the audio of other teammates. Another is, we can book a slot for ourself while someone is still in a match. Pubg is calling this feature as "Match reservation". Another feature introduced to improve game play is known as "Brothers in arms" where Rookies can automatically be matched with people in higher Tier, so as to grind their in game skills. Pubg with this update is also focusing in providing a healthy gameplay for the players by taking strong steps against the hackers. Most hackers have been handed a 10 year ban and alot of them are yet to be penalised and the Pubg team has assured to work on the same.

Pubg has also relaunched their 'Hardcore mode', in which the players can play the game in Pubg PC way, that is without any audio visualisation. The players totally need to rely on their ears and eyes, and play accordingly. Including the new landing was the icing on the cake but many of the players didn't like it and has mixed views on it.

The Royal Pass season 12 to start on 6th March and Pubg Mobile rolled out a very strong update to begin the campaign.

So, to the Pubg players around the world get ready to save your internet for the day as it is a massive 1.7 GB update. Not just the 1.7 GB, Pubg also included a 800 MB to 1 GB (depending on the device) ingame download, which is totally on the user whether he wants to download it or not. Pubg now with the update and all in game downloads, is a massive 4.75 GB game.

So what do you think about the 0.17.0 update?

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