Itachi Uchiha history in Konohana - Naruto (Character Analysis)

Uchiha Itachi | Naruto is one of the most watched anime in the world. One of the most questioned character in the whole series is Itachi Uchiha, one of the most talented ninja from Konohana.
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Team 2, assigned to Itachi along with Tenma Izumo and Shinko Inati, were given the honary task of escorting Land of Fire's Daimyō in a round trip to Konoha. During the mission a masked man killed Tenma in front of Itachi leading to the awakening of his Sharingan. Itachi awakened Magekyo Sharingan when he witnessed Shisui suicide in front of him.

Itachi was elder son to Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. At the age of 4 , Itachi witnessed war and death of many shinobi. This enitirely changed his mindset from other members of Uchiha clan. At age of 5, Shisui Uchiha proposed Itachi to train with him. They both taught each other new ninjutsu and genjutsu. They became best of friends due to the fact that the shared the way of thinking.

At the age of 6, Itachi enrolled for the Academy and always topped in every tests. He soon became a genin and was assigned to Team 2 which went to incredible feats till Tenma was killed which also led Shinko to giveup as a ninja. At 10 Itachi was allowed for the chunin level exam all by himself without any team and passed.

Danzo later on met Itachi to assess his thinking more and turning him against his own clan. Itachi came to the attention of the village leaders and soon was appointed as an Anbu at 11. Meeting all the criteria, Fugaku also allowed Itachi to attend all the clan meetings. All the influences from Konohana's history and Danzo's assessment in Itachi's thinking turned Itachi into one of the double agent working for the village.

Many people claim Itachi as a village hero and many claim Itachi as a traitor. What do you think about him ? Comment down below.

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