The Most Important Changes Required In Current Indian Education System

India is a country of  vast history with rich culture and education. Even the history of Indian Education System is quite bigger than the history of many countries around the globe. The Early Indian Education was taken by the pupil to achieve enlightenment and was available to everybody, which was supervised by the teachers who were termed as "Guru" or "Acharya". But as the time passed the education system took it's reform and started to be available for the people in power. Soon the education became something that was available at homes and was provided by the parents for the child to develop skills of his or her parents. Earlier in those days the children was expected to obtain the profession of the parents.
Before the Britishers arrived the Indian education was influenced by many countries that included Chinese and Mughals. The Mughals though had a very significant role to introduce Islamic Education System to India with the Madrasas and Maktabs which taught grammar, philosophy, math and laws from Greek Culture.
With the British rule the education system took a significant leap and somewhere we are still struck with the system followed back then though a lot of changes have taken place over the years.

Now let us discuss some of the problems in today's Indian education.

1) Lack of Option for most people

Our current Education System is designed in such a way that it is very hard for the students to actually understand what they actually want from life. Students become the sheep and follow the regular herd. Schools don't really help students to find their natural talent and develop accordingly. Not everyone is made for the same purpose. The lack of jobs in the country is due to the fact that only some professions are considered as true professions by the Indian parents and thus the student don't really have enough freedom and opportunity to chose from a lot of option available in the whole world. If the schools take up this big role to find the students strengths and weaknesses, consult the parents and students with them to help them choose from the options that would be most secured for him or her. Pushing a student into a career that is not meant for them destroys a student mentally and financially.

2) Good Education Not Available at Pocket Friendly Budget 

This is no brainier topic. Each and everyone living in India knows how much costly is Indian education if compared to per capita income. The Government Schools don't really provide the proper environment for good education in  many parts of the country and thus people have to rely on Private Schools for their child creating a damn big hole in the pocket. Thus most people who can't afford education chose their child to not be educated and thus increasing the already huge illiteracy rate.

3) Involvement Of Caste System in Education System

It has already been years that Education was made easily available to the people who were not treated well in the early past. India now is in more need of quality people in work field and if the caste system keeps on giving uneven opportunity to the people who deserves it will be a very big problem for the country in future. The Government should rather put efforts to provide good education for each and everyone most importantly to the people who are below poverty level.

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