How to build a perfect PUBGM squad!

PUBG Mobile | Pubgm have become a really big thing in today's world. And everyone round and around the world playing the game wants to make a future out of it. The mobile gaming community has grown a lot, thanks to Tencent for introducing the game

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The most important things required to build a perfect Pubg squad are-

1) A Compatible Mobile 

It is high time guys for everyone who wants to make it big in the pubg world and if you along with your squad don't have phones with good Processors and high ram, it is nearly impossible for you to ever make it big. People with better phone will surely have an edge over you even if you have better skills.
Some of the best phones to play pubg are:- Iphone XR, Asus ROG, ROG 2, One Plus 7t.

2) Good Quality Internet

Pretty sure you are not one of those who don't want his perfect spray to not be registered and end up getting killed even when you spotted and fired before your enemy did or wants his character to repeat his movement for countless number of times. Well, for that to not happen every member of your squad must have atleast the internet connection that provides you a constant ping of 30-60 ms. If not, then I would say just give up on your dream already.

3) Only one In Game Leader (IGL)

You might be the best one to give commands but in pubg it is different. The quietest of the members might have the best ability to analyze the situation and take quick decisions for the team to give them a tactical edge. Within few days of days of constant playing, you will get it who that person among the squad members is. Though many times he can make mistake that would cost the team but that is the fourth point, You need to trust each other.

4)You need to trust each other

Every team mate must have blind trust for each other. Need to take, every call they make, seriously. Many mistakes will be made by you as well as your team mates but in the end to make your squad stronger you have to stick to each other and trust them with your life here. 

5) Play as much time together as possible

The more you will play together, the more you will understand each others game play and twist your play accordingly to benefit the whole team from it. This will also build more trust among the team mates.

6) Assigning the role each member is best in

Not every body can have every attribute in pubg. It is best for individuals to find what their best role in the squad or what are they actually the best in. Every squad at the least must have a Sniper ( the person whose skill is from the long distance and should have the ext-ream capability to knock down the enemy to create room and time for the team to get engaged in fight) , a Fragger (the most toughest of all the roles, the player must have the brains to understand the situation of the game and act according fast, as he is the one who is the closest to the enemy and responsible to the start the combat for the team) , the Support ( most important of all the members, he is responsible with the lives of all his team mates, needs to be ready every second and need to backup every team mate in every situation , if he fails to make a good amount of damage, it is the end of line for whole team) , the Scout ( a person who needs to have his eye on every thing and every movement of the game, needs to spot the enemy even before the enemies so that the team can launch the first blow). These are few important roles but pubg has countless roles and each squad needs to understand each other to set his role for the squad.

7) Record game play  

Record every match you play, so that you can do a review later on to understand what mistake you have done and setting up the mind for an alternative decision or action in similar situation again.

8) Watch Live Stream

It is very important to learn from others. The people who have already made it big are running their big YouTube channels. They have some special skills and gameplay under their wings that have taken them this far, thus it is very important to carefully analyze everything they do. You must analyze their movement, approach and tactics to use them in similar situations.

9) Use training mode more often 

Even the big names in pubg still spend around 2-3 hours in training mode to perfect every movement. Training mode gives you a huge round of option to use every gun to perfect their recoil control and spray with efficiency with every scope. You won't always be lucky to find every item of your preference during a match thus it is more important that you develop a bit of skill for everything to survive and get kills in initial stage of the game.

10) Try not to camp

Try not to camp and try to go get engaged in more fights. You may get killed several times while getting into a combat but it is important to get killed sometime to understand your mistakes rather than waiting without making in single sound to get some easy skills. This is never going to develop your skills and help you grown as a player or your team as a squad.

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