Easiest Way to Gain MMR: Enjoy the Game.

DoTA 2 is much more than a game of raw mechanical skills, and this is what makes the game unique among the plethora of modern day MOBAs. It is a battle of wits between teams, where only the smartest come out on top.

Defence of the Ancients is a tactical Multiplayer Online Battle Arena which is renowned for its insanely high skill cap and a prize pool which other esports can only hope to achieve.

Winning in this game requires a combination of skill and tactics, you have to constantly be able to outsmart your opponents and always be unpredictable at the same time, which can certainly be overwhelming at times.

Everyone is trying hard to win, be better at the game and improve their ranks, perhaps a little too hard? Don't try so hard that you forget the primary aspect of the game - To have fun. 

We've compiled a list of tips and secrets which you can start using today to make your journey to immortal easier, more enjoyable and earn yourself some sweet MMR.

1) Find Your Hero:

This is single handedly the most crucial and most neglected tip to enjoy the game. DoTA 2 is a game with 117 heroes and even more being added every year. Finding the right hero for you is no small task. Everyone has different playstyles, so select a hero that best suits your playstyles and you'll never get bored again (or you can just pick Lanaya 'cause she's hot)

2) Stay Calm, Stay Collected:

Whatever it takes to stay focused in the game, do it. Enemies trying to tilt you? Mute them. The time spent in a single word you type responding to the enemy team could have been better spent if you were consciously making decisions.
While communication is undoubtedly a key aspect to winning a game of DotA, there are boundaries; if a teammate has a constant negative attitude or is trying to demoralize you or your team instead of providing information or giving calls, mute them. Most importantly, do not get tilted.
Calm players are far better decision makers, and you'll be surprised at how many more games you are winning by simply being calm.

3) Play Your Own Game:

This is a tip I can't emphasize enough. DotA 2 games can be stressful, and throughout the course of a game you will find yourself looking at your teammates' mistakes. Remember, they're in the same bracket as you. They might be bad at something but excel at other things. For instance, you can be bad at last hitting but amazing at teamfighting and another player in your same bracket can be good at last hitting but awful at teamfighting. Even if you see your ally making a mistake, don't fixate on it and mess your own game up. Focus on your game and always keep thinking on what you can do to win the game. Not only you'll end up having a better game for yourself but you'll find the game a lot more enjoyable.

4) PMA and Not Giving Up:

PMA might sound like a cliché these days but it doesn't change the fact that a 'Positive Mental Attitude' is absolutely necessary for any successful player. Any game, at any stage can be won. Just because the enemy had a good start is absolutely no reason for you to give up. Even a 95% win probability doesn't mean the game is secured. Just capitalize on your enemies' mistakes and focus on catching then off guard when you're behind, your winrates will end up skyrocketing.

5) Mind Games:

The last key to your victory lies in controlling the mindsets of the 9 other people in the game. Your weapon? Tips. 
Enemy made a mistake? Tip them. They'll end up stressing on the mistake of their's and their conscious decision making will be hampered to some extent. 2 time TI winners, OG were the ones to popularize this strategy and if it works for them, it'll work for you. Also remember to tip your teammates whenever they make a good play, it boosts their morale and they'll end up playing better.

6)Following the Meta:

The meta in DotA is always changing, Icefrog is constantly making balance patches for the game consequently shifting the meta on a routinely basis. Always keep in touch with the current meta and if a hero seems good, try it out. Another excellent way to stay in constant touch with the meta is to watch professional matches or professional players' streams; if a pro is spamming a certain hero, chances are it's really good in the ongoing patch.

Remember, the grind never stops, but in the end it's just a game. Be friendly to your teammates, communicate what's happening and you'll see your MMR reaching for the skies. Do you have an unconventional tip to be better at the game? Share it with us in the comments!

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